Wednesday, September 2, 2009

okay hey guys i'm kinda sorta reviving my blog.but its gonna die anyway BUT my friends want to say something.or not.
no we do actually wanna say something and this is rachel by the way and oh yeah julia's here too julia chew she hit me just now it hurts kind of and i'm crying now sniffle sniffle hey guess what julia wants to type now but my sentence isn't over hahahahahaha loser nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... ok HELLO I CAN PUT AS MANY [DOTS] as i want ... i didnt hit rachel loy she just weants attention[dots] she just wants to [dots dots dot] do something shes a big fat baby and the [dot] is refering to tthe full stop now nichole is gonna say something but rachel cannot say anything coz she cut her tongue thanks you all for listening to me JULIA THE GREAT .
just to mke this clear nichole has NOTHING against these people because their just bitching talking nice things abt each other when their sitting 2 inches away.

okay then it's me again rachel not julia yay shes distracting me and trying to make me type slower so she can type again but thats NOT GONNA HAPPEN HAHAHAHAH nope not yet not yet oh we're going for tennis soon yup we play tennis we're so cool haha i love this this is fun i never knew typing long sentences could be so fun and julias gonna kill me now bye

HELO ! I'M BACK WE WERE NOT BITCHING ABOUT EACH OTHER WE WERE TALKING ABT EACH OTHER AND i am not gonna kill rachel coz she passed me the keyboard on time and i am never gonna end this passage so boring ..... idunno wad to say ...... so bored cantwait for september hols... yeah 1!!!!!!!! so exciting coz i'm never gonna end this .. ok i gtg coz rachel wants to kill me and its nicholes turn but rachel doesnt noe who she is facing !!! JULIA THE GREAT.. THE INTERNATIONA L GAY COLOUR ....

UM... my friends need a LIFE okay rachel wants to type but she's not gonna get the chance.

Spa,mming time

3:29 PM

3:29 PM