Wednesday, September 2, 2009

okay hey guys i'm kinda sorta reviving my blog.but its gonna die anyway BUT my friends want to say something.or not.
no we do actually wanna say something and this is rachel by the way and oh yeah julia's here too julia chew she hit me just now it hurts kind of and i'm crying now sniffle sniffle hey guess what julia wants to type now but my sentence isn't over hahahahahaha loser nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... ok HELLO I CAN PUT AS MANY [DOTS] as i want ... i didnt hit rachel loy she just weants attention[dots] she just wants to [dots dots dot] do something shes a big fat baby and the [dot] is refering to tthe full stop now nichole is gonna say something but rachel cannot say anything coz she cut her tongue thanks you all for listening to me JULIA THE GREAT .
just to mke this clear nichole has NOTHING against these people because their just bitching talking nice things abt each other when their sitting 2 inches away.

okay then it's me again rachel not julia yay shes distracting me and trying to make me type slower so she can type again but thats NOT GONNA HAPPEN HAHAHAHAH nope not yet not yet oh we're going for tennis soon yup we play tennis we're so cool haha i love this this is fun i never knew typing long sentences could be so fun and julias gonna kill me now bye

HELO ! I'M BACK WE WERE NOT BITCHING ABOUT EACH OTHER WE WERE TALKING ABT EACH OTHER AND i am not gonna kill rachel coz she passed me the keyboard on time and i am never gonna end this passage so boring ..... idunno wad to say ...... so bored cantwait for september hols... yeah 1!!!!!!!! so exciting coz i'm never gonna end this .. ok i gtg coz rachel wants to kill me and its nicholes turn but rachel doesnt noe who she is facing !!! JULIA THE GREAT.. THE INTERNATIONA L GAY COLOUR ....

UM... my friends need a LIFE okay rachel wants to type but she's not gonna get the chance.

Spa,mming time

3:29 PM

3:29 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

ok today's my birthday and my dad's flying to france for six weeks which is really sad but my classmates gave me birthday wishes which made me really happy considering that i've only known them for 3 days... my class is soo bloody awesome we are definitely gonna make a class with class spirit.GO 1M!!!! and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JOYCELYNE miss you so much xoxo

5:24 PM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

okay i haven't been blogging and my blog was dying so anyway,we had the half-class reunion yesterday and guess wat? cherie,carina,jia yi and esmeralda followed us those bitches ... stupid shitpicker he basically told every one that there was a class reunion on facebook.ah well can't blame them when they don't have totally awesome friends like us. i almost spilled a totally expensive frappe when i saw her!but overall it was pretty fun=)

so anyway cheers dude

12:45 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

i haven't been blogging for quite a long time... so school ended on fridae sooo sad!! even when i hear a nice song i get a nostalgic feeling cause i probably got that nice song from natasha or rebekah or jj or smth...even though i can't wait for sec school to start , i am really gonna miss all my friends!you noe i think like the four of us(rebekah,natasha,charlotte,me)are gonna miss the guys the most ...even though we'll probably never see each other again ,i hope someone even bothers to arrange a reunion for all the 6 g'ers...its been fun you guys!

11:06 AM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

ok so yesterday was like the first day in school after the exams and it was ok... i had much more fun days...but mandy was talking to cherie and me and then i started insulting her with the help of started cause i accused cherie of vandalising the girls' toilet door, it said I love miley cyrus.of course its cherie .so anway she said that i was insecure after that. and i was like so pissed cause she is so dumb she doesn't even noe wat insecure mean!!! she's just taking that word from the song 7 things.and then i told her that she didn't even noe wat insucure means. then she said i was dumb!! so i replied that if i was dumb wat was cherie -brainless?omg she's such a bitch lah she acts cool but she's not and, she's a bimbo,and she thinks liking someone is cool,and you notice that no one has a crush on her
ok so FYI i hav been waiting all my life to insult cherie like that .oh wait and one more she thinks that i don't noe the meaning of catfight!!my nickname is cat for god's sake freak-i like tennis

8:37 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008

hey ppl ok so rebekah wanted me to call joanne yesterday to "comfort" him cause she stabbed him in the back wif a pen...she wanted to prove that she could keep to her word. so i called, this is wat happened...
1st time
somebody in joanne's house: Hello??
me: hang up!
2nd time:
maid: hello?
me: can i speak to joanne?
maid: oh not at home!not at home!!
me : (giggles)
3rd time
me: um... may i speak to wei kai?
joanne-y: um... ok GOR!!!
joanne-y: who are you??
me : um...somebody
joanne-y: BEWARE
me : whatever
joanne-y:are some sort of phycotic [blah blah blah]
joanne: GET LOST !! hello?
me: hi its nichole, rebekah wanted me to call you...
me: ya i am supposed to comfort you cause she stabbed you in the back wif a pen
joanne: okay...
me: okay BYE
well that's about it -the second one was the funniest i didn't even noe he had a maid...

12:11 PM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

OMR rebekah missed the whole interview... this is shocking considering that rebekah is like blg's no.1 fan ... but it wasn't her fault the MRT had no reception.. but it doesn't matter just go download podcast lah...i wanna see the videos rozz edited -bet their damn funny... anyway i think i just made thaddeus addicted to ping and pong he's like "PING AND PONG" whenever i see him at training it really freaks me out ... nonetheless it is pretty stupid... but anyway 'beef' did the "have a break ,have a kit kat" thing he sounded like drew which was weird...
ok that's all i hav time for but radio rockz most of the time and just listen in at 10a.m. tmr to dessire (987 fm) there's a miley cyrus interview over the phone. natasha can just start critising her on the spot =)

10:57 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008

hey guys, listening to blg interview on 987 its really cool and martin johnson's nickname is 'party marty' that is so wierd ... john keith's nickname is 'beef' lol ...rebekah should be listening in now ... i bet shan is going to used the recorded accoutic versions of BLG songs for 987 stripped oh cooooooool ... awww its ending so sad...
anyway gtg

6:22 PM

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Okay, cherie and Carina are really starting to piss me off . They hang around cow all the time and think they are really cool.cherie is a friggin liar she's such a bad singer and she got into SOTA. she thinks that mr lim is funny and her laugh freaks me out i should SO record it and blog it sometime -your hair will stand ... well thats all i have to rant about so cheers!

10:36 PM